This is the page where I'll explain the coping mechinisms i use when battling self-harm. I
am hoping you will find these usefull and can relate. If you want to ask any questions, or just talk about your own experiences
then click the link in contact me. What is written below may be triggering and your welfare is top priority,
so dont read this if you are feeling insecure.
1. I was always told that when you feel the urge to cause harm to yourself, just to let
it pass. but, as we all know, its easier said then done. I found that having a coping with panic list works well. Below
is the panic attack check list.
- Do not run away from the place where the panic takes place. Wait and fear will begin to pass. It will
be much harder to return if you run out when you feel at your worst. If you feel you have to leave, go back as soon as you
- Do some slow regular breathing
- Remeber that the feelings are an exaduration of the body's natural alarm reaction.
- These feelings will not harm you and they are not dangerous. They maybe unpleasant, but they are not
- Catch your thaughts and try to rationalize them. Look for exadurated and catastrophic thinking.
- Notice what is really happening to your body right now and not what you fear might happen. The changes
in your body are probably due to lack of carbon dioxide.
- notice that once you stop adding tot he fear with frightening thoughts, the fear starts to fade itself.
- Think about the progress you have made so far, and how pleased you will be with your self if
you succeed this time.
- Remember, you and your life are worth more then to have to cut yourself. you deserve better.
2. I think it is important that you have as many people supporting you as possible. This may
involve oppening up if you haven't already. Telling a close friend, or family member(s), etc. They may be able to
give you the physical help you need, such as after care of your wounds, and also become some one to confide in.
3. It may help if you bin the objects you use to cut/burn with, in a bin where you wont
go back too. Without the objects in your reach, it may make fighting the urges easier. If the urges are too strong, then the objects
you get hold of, may not be as sharp or powerful.
4. Write your thoughts and feelings down. Managing your thoughts in a book that is private
to you may make you feel that you can asses each issue easier, and like Self-harm is seen as something private to
the individual, you may be able to replace the privateness of self-harm with the book. do to the book all that you
feel. You never know.
5. When you feel the urge to Self-Harm, snap an elastic band against your wrist, as this will
hurt enough to feel the pain with out any permenant damage. The same will apply for holding ice in your hand.
If you have any alternitive methods which you feel help you against your battle, then
feel free to e-mail me your ideas to be posted on the site. You will find my e-mail address in contact me.