My SI is still present, but greatly reduced to what it used to be.
Now, dont get me wrong, i didnt just wake up one morning and decide
to not hurt myself as much, because as we all know, its not that simple. We have used SI as a coping mechanism, and it takes
time to give that up. 4 yrs for me!
The point of this page is to show you what i went through and
am going through now so that you dont feel your the only one sufferig with strange symptoms while trying to recover, or thinking
about recovering.
I have found that anxiety fuels my Self-harm, i get so anxious about
things that arent actually happening that i can get enraged one minute, cry the next or just withdraw completely. I have recently
changed meds and am on temps till i see my psychiatrist.
I am extremely sensitive to reactions and my past experiences with
SI. I'll just break down and cry one minute, and then yell and scream the next, and never know why i'm doing
The anxiety is now, what seems to cause any emotional breakdowns and any SI that i do.
I still think of SI as an answer, and i have to sike myself out
of it by trying to feel the hatred i felt when comencing an SI act. With the support of my boyfreind and parents, i manage
to make it through each day, but its aliving hell most days.
This is here to help you understand that
you are not alone with your experiences, and if you feel you would like to share your experience with others, for support,
or comfort, please click on the link bellow.
No one within Reccuperation~ judges,
and Reccuperation will not tolerate judgements from members. luckily this has never happended, so you are safe here.
If you would like to email your experiences of SI and other issues to Reccuperation~
then do not hesitate. Reccuperation~ work on trying to make people aware of the issuesaround Self-Harm and to do this we feel
it is nessesary to understand what each individual goes through. If you would like to get involved please do not hesitate
to email your experiences to me, but do not feel under pressure to do so if you feel you do not want to.
Take care.