Its a fact - Everyone is different. that includes the way that poeple Self-harm and how they cope.
You are a strong person, but things get on top of you. You may find yourself feeling very depressed, anxious,
upset, angry or confused at anytime and it is very scary. You may feel that you are loosing your mind becuase you feel so
down, and feel that you the only one in the world suffering the way you do and that no one can help.
One in Four people experience a mental health problem at some time in their life. 1 in 4 young people self-harm.
You are not alone.
The problem you may find is that you feel so isolated and withdrawn that you cant help but listen to depressing
music, think about self-harming to cope, or feel very negative across the board. I feel like this alot, so your not alone.
Self-harm can emerger from past experiences, anxiety, depression or just stress. There are many reasons
to why self-harm happens.
The positive outlook is that you can get help specific to your self harm.
If you are under 18 and in the UK you can go to a place called CAMHS. They are the child and adolescent
mental health service. They have counsellors and therapists who are trained specifically in self-harm. You can be reffered
by them through your GP.
Your self-harm could build your future. You could become a counsellor or join campaigns who help current
If you are not in the UK, you can still find therapists who specialise in self-harm. You can speak to your
GP who can refer you to the appropriate source, just as you can here in the UK. Your dr can not tell your parents you have
seen them, nore can a counsellor unless they feel you are a serious to yourself or others. They must ask for your
concent before they take an further steps. this is stated in their codes of conduct by the BACP (British assosiation of counselling
and psychotherapy) or any equivilant.
If you feel that you can't ask a proffesional for help or to do support work to help you and others
through, then remember that positive thinking can help you through a rough patch. Talking to a friend, relative or talking
on the internet.
There are so many popel out there willing to help you with no judgement or critisms.
I have seen several counsellors, therapists and psychiatrists, and my gp, and all ahve been supportive at
different levels, but neither have been discrimitive. You just need to find the right person. If you dont know where to start,
you may contact me, as i am willing to confidentially support and relate to you to the best of my ability and with training
in counselling and life coaching behind me, i know a vast amount of different support groups that you could look at or contact.
Remember you are normal, you are no different from everyone else. Every one copes differently. We
as self-harmers cope by hurting ourselves just becasue people dont understand us, doesnt mean we are not normal it soley means
that others minds are not open to the issues around mental health. Keep strong and remember that one in four people
experience a mental health issue in their life and 1 in 4 self-harm. So you are not a freak! People
just arent willing to expand their mind. Recuperation~ is a safe have for you.
Take care.
If you'd like to contact me you can email me through the contact me tab in the menu,
or from bellow. I can offer confidential advice and support as atraining counsellor and life coach and a recovering self-harmer.